Family Volunteering Holidays

Volunteering with your family

Participating in a family volunteer program has so many benefits. It’s never too early to teach children about responsible travel or for them to learn about new cultures and appreciate issues facing other people. Plus, it’s a perfect way for the whole family to experience Africa’s iconic wildlife and have close up animal encounters!

Family volunteering abroad is a safe and inclusive way for the whole family to experience incredible destinations. It is a shared experience which brings family groups of all ages closer together. Each of our family volunteering holidays has a learning element, which will enable your children to question, grow and develop – planting seeds for their future. Whether you want to witness endangered wildlife, experience life in rural communities or learn to dive together, we have a family volunteer vacation that will get the whole team’s approval!

Take a look at our Family Volunteer Projects:

Live in the heart of a family-run conservancy in Zimbabwe. Interact with rhinos and elephants, visit rural communities and learn from experienced guides.

From $900

1 - 8 weeks

A very hands-on programme in Namibia where families work on building projects in rural desert communities, plus track and monitor the rare desert-adapted elephant.

From £950

2 weeks

Work with rhinos and elephants on a private family-run wildlife conservancy. Join local community outreach projects in rural communities outside Victoria Falls.

From $1,675

12 + days

Bring your family on the adventure of a lifetime! Assist in the rehabilitation and release of wildlife at Zimbabwe’s only dedicated primate rehabilitation centre.

From $875

1 - 12 weeks

Take the kids on a beach holiday with a difference! Learn to dive in a spectacular location and contribute to research into whale sharks, manta rays and turtles.

From £1,099

1 - 12 weeks

Help protect a wetland of international importance and assist with managing a wildlife conservancy. Get involved in conservation initiatives and work on projects in local communities.

From $870

1 - 12 weeks

Responsible family volunteer vacations in Africa

Our family volunteer vacations abroad are carefully thought out to ensure that your family’s specific interests and age ranges are considered. You can also be sure you will be making a genuine contribution to the project’s overall goals. The number one priority at our family wildlife volunteer experiences is the welfare of the animals and communities and secondly that volunteers are actively contributing to ethical conservation initiatives.

On our family community programs you and your family will learn directly from community leaders, and be sure your involvement is of benefit to the people you will meet. All our community activities support long-term projects which are led by local people.

Volunteering as a family will be something your children never forget and you as a parent will not regret.

We are the ethical travel Africa specialists

Why volunteer with family members?

With 85% of Africa’s animals in decline and only a fraction of many species remaining in the wild, the threats to iconic wildlife are critical. Your children are the conservationists of the future. We believe that enabling children to understand and appreciate the threats to Africa’s wildlife first-hand, even at a young age, will have untold benefits.

volunteers are a family volunteer programme in Africa

A unique holiday experience

Volunteering with your family is a safe way to experience Africa in much more depth than a traditional safari. The experience enables families to understand and appreciate the work being done to protect the planet’s wildlife. It allows volunteers to meet the communities working alongside conservationists, and encourages children to appreciate and embrace different cultures and ways of life. The best family volunteer vacations allow families to contribute more than just financially.

Our vision for family volunteer trips

Our vision is for an Africa where humans and wildlife can thrive peacefully side by side. The inputs to achieving this vision are threefold: the long-term protection and well-being of animals, the conservation of ecosystems, and the education and upliftment of communities. Volunteer tourism, when used in a responsible way, has a critical role to play in achieving these goals.

Frequently Asked Questions About Family Volunteering Holidays

Can I volunteer abroad with my child?

Volunteering abroad with both older and younger children is a highly rewarding experience. Our family volunteering opportunities allow parents and children to participate together in meaningful projects across Africa.

The experience will be both educational and enriching, fostering empathy, awareness and a sense of global citizenship. By choosing the right project and preparing adequately, you can create lasting memories and make a positive impact as a family.

Are family volunteering holidays in Africa safe?

Family volunteer opportunitiesin Africa can be safe with proper planning, research, and precautions. While Africa is a diverse continent with varying levels of safety and security across different regions and countries, our family-friendly volunteering opportunities are all in safe locations, with dedicated and experienced staff, reliable transport and full support before and during your travels. Our team have visited each destination we offer and have lived and worked across the African continent. We are well-established in organising safe and responsible volunteering programs for families in Africa. We are happy to provide further reviews and testimonials from previous participants.

Consider the following factors when deciding if a family volunteering vacation is right for you:

– Health and safety: what are the health and vaccination requirements for your chosen destination?. Be aware of the nearest medical facilities and what emergency action plans are in place.

– Take precautions against malaria and other prevalent diseases by using mosquito nets, insect repellent, and taking antimalarial medication if recommended.

– Accommodation and transport: our family volunteering programs will organise safe and reliable transport for moving between airports and volunteer sites and moving between accommodation sites and activities. Our accommodation options are clean, comfortable and have staff on-site 24 hours a day. There will be at least 1 qualified first-aider at each site.

– Local support: our local teams will provide guidance, assistance, and emergency support if needed.

– Emergency Preparedness: Have a plan in place for dealing with emergencies. Carry important documents, emergency contacts, and medical supplies with you at all times.

By taking these precautions and thoroughly researching your options, family volunteering holidays in Africa can be safe, enriching, and memorable experiences that allow you to make a positive impact while exploring a new culture and environment together as a family.

How much do family volunteering holidays cost?

The cost of family volunteering holidays can vary depending on several factors, including the destination, duration of the program and the type of project. Considering the following costs can help you budget for your trip:

– Program Fees: our program fees cover your accommodation, usually three meals per day, project materials, airport transfers and local staff to support you during your family volunteer program. Your program fees are also used to support the organization’s long-term goals and projects after you have returned home. This could include things like ongoing veterinary fees, community projects, protection for wildlife such as rangers and other security equipment.

– Duration: Longer volunteering programs have higher overall costs due to extended accommodation and meal expenses. Shorter programs may offer lower costs but may also provide less time for immersion and impact.

– Type of Project: projects that require specialized equipment, materials, or training may have higher fees compared to more basic or community-based projects. In general, family volunteer programs focusing on animal care or wildlife conservation will have higher costs than those focusing on education or community work.

– Inclusions: except where stated, all our projects include airport collection, meals, accommodation and the equipment and vehicles needed to do and get to your work. There are limited additional expenses once you are at the project.

– Additional Expenses: remember to budget for additional expenses such as airfare, travel insurance, visa fees, vaccinations, personal expenses, and optional activities or excursions.

It’s essential to thoroughly research different family volunteering holidays, compare program offerings and costs, and inquire about any additional fees before making a decision. The value of the experience and the positive impact it can have on your family and the wildlife or communities you serve may outweigh the financial investment.

What are the best family volunteering holidays?

Some of the most popular destinations and projects for family volunteer holidays are in Africa. For your family volunteer vacation you can focus on wildlife conservation in South Africa (link to Wildlife Warriors), marine conservation programs in Mozambique (link to marine family), working with rhinos and elephants in Zimbabwe (link to rhino & elephant family program) or at one of our wildlife sanctuary programs (link to Primate conservation – family). Family volunteering abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that brings families together making an impact whilst having an incredible time! Get ready for your family volunteer opportunity in Africa!

How old do my children need to be to join a family volunteering holiday?

We recommend that family volunteering holidays are most suitable for children aged 5 and over. The minimum age requirement varies by family volunteer program – some have a minimum age of 5 but others can be older. Some programs may have specific guidelines or recommendations for family volunteers, so please do enquire and we can recommend a project most suitable for your family’s ages and requirements. If one of your children is younger than the minimum age specified by the project, get in touch to see if an exception can be made.

How do I choose a family volunteering program?

Before embarking on your family volunteering holiday, it’s essential to consider a few factors:

– The age of your child and the minimum age requirements of the programs.

– Health and safety: assess the health and safety risks of the program. Ensure that both you and your child are prepared for the change of culture and daily routine, and are vaccinated if necessary.

– Duration and commitment: does the length of the volunteering program and the daily schedule suit your child’s attention span and comfort level?

– Type of work: choose a project that aligns with you and your child’s interests and abilities. Some projects may involve physical labour or walking, while others may focus on education or wildlife.

Logistics: ensure you are aware of the transportation, accommodation, food options and flight time to ensure a smooth and comfortable trip for both you and your child.

– Learning and impact: discuss with your family how the work they have done will impact the wildlife and communities they have visited. Encourage them to write about or reflect on their experiences.

What is a family volunteering holiday?

Family volunteering holidays provide opportunities for families of all ages to participate in meaningful volunteer programs together. You will share the experience of volunteering with animals, while making a positive difference as a team. Family volunteering abroad involves dedicating your time to projects aimed at improving the wellbeing of communities, wildlife or the environment. For families looking for family volunteering opportunities in Africa, we offer specially curated programs which offer a safe environment for families to engage in meaningful experiences together.

You can volunteer with your family in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and Namibia and work on family-friendly volunteer projects such as wildlife conservation programs, marine conservation programs and community programs.

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