Animal Conservation Volunteering

Animal Conservation Programs

Africa is home to some of the world’s most iconic and threatened animal species, and wildlife conservation volunteers are needed now more than ever.

Join one of our wildlife conservation volunteer programs where you can work with rhinos and elephants; monitor endangered wild dog and cheetah and volunteer in only the most ethical of wildlife sanctuaries.

As an animal conservation volunteer you will have the opportunity to observe, at close quarters, some of Africa’s most iconic wildlife.

Wildlife volunteering abroad allows you to explore incredible locations and spectacular landscapes, make amazing friends and contribute to dedicated conservation projects, working to protect some of the most endangered species on the planet.

Volunteer on private game reserves, in immense national parks and vast wilderness areas, in the depths of the crystal clear Indian Ocean, or in the world’s most ancient desert.

Wildlife conservation volunteers in Africa are never disappointed with their experiences, so take a look at our animal conservation volunteering projects.

Our Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Programs

Rhino & Elephant
Conservation Program

Join a unique animal conservation volunteering project, dedicated to the protection of the black rhino. Play a vital role in securing the future of these iconic animals.

From $950
1 - 12 weeks

Endangered Wildlife
Conservation Program

Support animal conservation volunteer work to protect endangered wildlife species in South Africa. Monitor priority species including lion, leopard, cheetah, rhino and wild dog.

From $1,625
2 - 12 + weeks

Anti-Poaching Course & Wildlife Ranger Training

Undertake an intensive 6-week anti-poaching training course then work as a volunteer ranger in Big 5 reserves. This animal conservation volunteering program is not for the faint-hearted!

6 - 24 weeks

Nature Enthusiast Course,

Our 6-week nature enthusiast course is for those who are passionate about nature, and who want a more in-depth wildlife experience. Gain a deeper understanding of the natural environment.

6 weeks

Horse Riding & Rhino
Conservation Program

Combine horse riding safaris, anti-poaching patrols and horseback game counts, with hands-on animal conservation volunteer work with black rhinos and elephants.

From $1,305
1 - 2 weeks

Veterinary Internship,

Get to grips with the wild side of veterinary science at Africa’s leading wildlife sanctuary. Learn new practical skills, and assist with treating unusual wild animals!

From £1,370
2 - 12 weeks

Wildlife Warriors
Anti-Poaching Training Course

Gain practical experience in anti-poaching techniques and learn from South Africa’s most experienced conservation professionals on this animal conservation volunteering project.

From $1,395
7, 10, 14 days

Carnivore Conservation Program, Namibia

Support the conservation of big cats in a responsible way and help mitigate the human-wildlife conflict. Track wild carnivores in a spectacular setting.

From $1,625
2 - 12 weeks

Horse Riding Volunteer Internship, Mozambique

Volunteer with horses and experience beach life in Mozambique. Take clients on beach and coastal trail rides in a spectacular location.

From $1,700
2 - 12 weeks

Primate Conservation & Wildlife Sanctuary

Volunteer at Zimbabwe’s only dedicated primate rehabilitation centre. Gain animal care experience and assist in wildlife rehabilitation and release.

From $875
1 - 12 weeks

Protect a wetland of international importance and assist in managing a wildlife conservancy. Get involved in conservation initiatives and work on projects in local communities. 

From $870
1 - 12 weeks

Namibia Wildlife
Sanctuary Program

Support local staff in all aspects of daily animal care at a busy sanctuary. Work with large and small carnivores, primates, and a variety of birds, reptiles and antelope. 

From $1,250
2 - 12 weeks

Wildlife Research &
Endangered Species Monitoring

Live in Liwonde National Park, Malawi and study Africa’s most iconic and endangered wildlife in their natural habitats. The project focuses on the monitoring of lions, cheetahs, hyenas and vultures.

From £1,370
2 - 12 weeks

Big 5 Wildlife Conservation,
National Parks

Volunteer as a Field Assistant in two of Zimbabwe’s most magnificent National Parks. A unique volunteer opportunity on a true wilderness experience.

From $1,795
2 weeks

Rescued Animal
Conservation Program

Get involved with behaviour and habitat enrichment, wildlife rehabilitation, orphan care and veterinary health checks at this small wildlife sanctuary project in Malawi.

From £1,370
2 - 12 weeks

Elephant Conservation &
Community Outreach Program

Participate in delivering solutions to the human-elephant conflict in Namibia. Monitor populations of the rare desert elephant and support rural communities

From £950
2 - 12 weeks

Wildlife Conservation & Rehabilitation Experience

Combine rhino conservation with primate rehabilitation in Zimbabwe. Experience life on a rhino conservancy, and work in a sanctuary focused on small animal care.

From $1,825
2 - 16 weeks

Marine Conservation Program,

Join world-class researchers in a spectacular diving location. Contribute to research supporting the conservation of whale sharks, manta rays and turtles.

From £2,199
2 - 12 weeks

Humpback Whale Research,

Witness an incredible ocean migration in a stunning location. Assist researchers with data collection to support international whale conservation.

From £1,899
2 - 12 weeks


Responsible wildlife volunteering in Africa

There are hundreds of wildlife volunteer projects in Africa and, unfortunately, not all of them are completely ethical. When choosing responsible wildlife conservation programs, the welfare of the animals must be the project’s number one priority and their volunteers must make a tangible, positive impact on the environment, wildlife and local communities.

We have strict policies in place regarding the wildlife conservation volunteer opportunities that we support. Our volunteers can be sure their contribution is supporting genuine conservation work, being done for the good of Africa’s wildlife.

We are the ethical travel Africa specialists

Why wildlife conservation volunteer programs?

Africa’s iconic wildlife is in serious decline, and the continent is home to several key species facing imminent extinction.

Rhino populations are down 85% and the African elephant is now a vulnerable species. Wildlife volunteers joining our projects will contribute to important conservation work being done to secure the future of threatened species, and can be sure that the projects they support are doing genuine conservation work.

Volunteer with three elephants at wildlife sanctuary
Volunteers in Namibia building a wall for construction projects

A unique volunteering experience

Conservation volunteering allows travellers a more immersive experience than a traditional safari. You will gain an in depth understanding of the country’s conservation requirements and meet conservationists working on the ground to protect the planet’s most vulnerable animals.

At a responsible project, volunteers will have unbelievable animal encounters making it perfect for animal lovers, all the while knowing that the contribution they are making will have an impact on the future of that species.

Our vision for wildlife conservation

Our vision is for an Africa where humans and wildlife can thrive peacefully side by side.

The inputs to achieving this vision are threefold: the long-term protection and well-being of animals, the conservation of ecosystems, and the education and upliftment of communities. Volunteer tourism, when used in a responsible way, has a critical role to play in achieving these goals, and all our volunteers will see the positive impact their journey is making.

Black rhino with enormous horn and calf


How can I get involved in Animal Conservation Volunteering?

There is a huge variety of animal conservation volunteering programs available across Africa. These range from monitoring endangered species, marine conservation volunteering, working with primates or learning new skills on anti-poaching courses. Regardless of your interest, budget or skills there is a program out there which suits anyone wanting to be an animal conservation volunteer.

What animals can I work with as an animal conservation volunteer?

Whether your interest is Africa’s iconic Big 5, or the smaller, no less important wildlife, there are a huge number of animals in Africa which are threatened by the human-wildlife conflict or in need of protection, preservation or rehabilitation by animal conservation volunteers.

The Big 5

You can experience the Big 5 on projects in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia and Malawi. The work done by animal conservation volunteers on these projects usually involves tracking animals, monitoring behaviour and collecting data for research projects. It is a unique opportunity to see Africa’s most endangered wildlife in their natural habitats and work alongside dedicated conservation professionals.


Animal conservation volunteers are critical to the rescue and rehabilitation of primates, often victims of the exotic pet trade, illegal wildlife trafficking and the human-wildlife conflict.

Endangered Wildlife

There are many animal conservation volunteering projects which allow volunteers the opportunity to observe and work with a range of incredible wildlife, including:

  • Elephants
  • Rhinos
  • Lions
  • Cheetahs
  • Leopards
  • Wild dogs

What do animal conservation volunteers do?

Your work as an animal conservation volunteer will never be dull. The activities can take many forms: from getting involved in practical wildlife activities such as tracking and locating animals, monitoring big game, observing and recording animal behaviour or learning to set camera traps for research; to tree planting, fence repairs, waterhole maintenance. In wildlife sanctuaries you will learn to care for injured or orphaned wildlife of all shapes and sizes, you will assist with feeding animals and cleaning out enclosures and you may be asked to provide round-the-clock care for orphaned babies. Your work will always be fulfilling, meaningful and genuinely needed.

How much does animal conservation volunteering cost?

Animal conservation volunteering will almost certainly require a fee to be paid to the organisation running the program.

The costs of hosting volunteers (meals, accommodation, coordinators, support staff, vehicles, fuel and equipment etc) are very high and part of your fee will go towards covering these direct costs. Your fee will also go towards long-term projects which enable the program to run once you have returned home.

These could include veterinary fees, fencing and anti-poaching, rescue and rehabilitation costs, support for community programs (education, healthcare, infrastructure support etc) and any other long-term costs. There is sure to be a volunteer program to suit your budget and time available.

Who can get involved with animal conservation volunteering?

Wildlife volunteering abroad is an incredible opportunity for anyone who loves animals and wants to have a unique and fulfilling experience. Most programs do not require specific skills, experience or qualifications, just a passion for wildlife and a willingness to get involved.

Although animal conservation volunteers are welcome from around the world, the project staff all speak English. A reasonable grasp of spoken English is required in order to communicate with co-ordinators and other volunteers.

Many of our programs welcome family volunteers and we believe volunteering with your family is a great way to show children the importance of wildlife conservation and show them that everyone has an important role to play.

You can be a family volunteer on projects such as marine conservation, rhino and elephant conservation, working with primates and working with communities.

Want to learn more about our wildlife volunteer opportunities?

Contact us today for help choosing the ideal wildlife conservation program for you!

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